eee S101
by drazed on Mar.21, 2009, under Linux on the EEE

asus eee s101
I ordered an asus eee s101 from NCIX, should be arriving here on Monday or Tuesday. Newegg actually had the laptop for a lower price, but NCIX does pricematch, and I’ve always had great service from them. I plan to install gentoo or arch linux on it, and will document the experience here in-case anyone else would like to try.
The s101 is based on the intel-atom cpu and has pretty much the same specs as the other eee models, aside from the ssd. The ssd on the s101 (16GB, the 32GB/64GB linux versions are not available on my continent) is a several times faster then the one provided with the 900/901 models. Additionally the entire ssd is in one upgradable (albeit not easily) module, compared to the 4GB+8GB (or 4GB+16GB for the linux version) split modules on the 900/901. Also, I’ve been told (read elsewhere) that the s101 comes with a 16GB SD card.